First off, my sincere apologies for my absence…I’ve run into a busy patch of work and travel, with multiple responsibilities that put blogging at a distant fifth or sixth on my to-do list. But next week I’ll be back in earnest, with new posts and discussion topics.

In the meantime, I’ve got a few housekeeping things for you. Firstly, what kinds of topics would you like to see JDA cover in the coming weeks? As a community, JDA is open to your ideas and suggestions. And secondly, have you always read singles columns and think “hey, I can do that!” Well, now’s your chance. The Jewish Journal wants your pitches, especially if you’re in “L.A. and environs.”

Wanted: 20-something year-old JJ seeks SJF or SJM (20s-120s) for romantic, funny or poignant columns about finding — and losing — love in L.A. and environs. Open to all ages and interests. If you can wow me with your story, insight and writing, send your column (850 words), name and contact info to; put SINGLES in subject line. No Phone Calls Please.

Looking forward to reading you in print!