You know you have them. Those things in people’s profiles that really irk you something awful. It doesn’t matter if the person profiled looks like Brad Pitt or Jennifer Aniston: you see this phrase, and you’re outta there. It can be a simple statement or a run-on sentence, but it is probably a few boring words strung together that don’t tell you much of anything about the person.

So, which profile proclamations constitute your pet peeves, and why?

I’ll share a few to start you off:

* “Friends and family are important to me.” (Duh…)
* “I like to laugh.” (Bully for you. I like to breathe.)
* “She should feel as comfortable in jeans as she does in a little black dress.” (This describes no one I know. Sweats are the most comfortable, but no one brags about that…)
* Spelling errors in third-grade level words, misused verbiage or excessive use of the abbreviation LOL.
* “She should have a sense of humor (laugh at my jokes).” (Hello, not the same thing.)

And oh, there are more. But I’ll open the floor to comments from the peanut gallery.