The perfect first JDate call…and by perfect, we mean perfectly hilarious (JDates Gone Wrong)

Here…I’ll give you some topics…

Men have a tougher time than women in the dating process? Discuss… (The Anonymous Blogger)

Hilary’s hair is sooo silky that a JDater “wants to cultivate her society” (Superjux)

Annabel Lee is “ing”ing and someone tells her to get over her own cuteness, as if that were possible (Annabel Lee)

Moxie’s attracted to another man, but doesn’t act on it — readers respond (Moxie)

P-Life asks whether a woman’s declaration of absolute devotion to the spouse she hasn’t met yet is offensive and deameaning (P-Life, Orthodox Bloggers)

C addresses the eternal question (can you be friends with an ex?) and provides a rundown of bloggers (including Klein, Ken, Karol and Cunning) who are opining on the subject (A Picture of Me)

Talk amongst yourselves…