SJM seeking SJM…JDate’s now totally gay. And I think that’s super, thanks for asking.

So if you’re gay, and Jewish, and looking for a Nice Jewish Boy, now’s your chance to experience the enchantment of online dating, JDate-style:

The popular Jewish online dating site expanded its search capabilities this month to allow gay men and lesbians to seek matches. The Web site, which is popular among Jews of all ages, now asks people for their gender and the gender they’re searching, allowing men to search for men and women to search for women.

[Hey, where have I heard about this before? Wasn’t there a site specifically for
gay Jews? I believe it was called QJew, and founder Justin offered me an exclusive for my column…maybe I should revisit that. Hey Justin, if you’re reading this, tell me why QJew is better than JDate for finding a same-sex bashert…]

Seth Kamen of Bethesda, Md., watched his best friend meet her fiancee through JDate, and said he hopes to meet a Jewish guy through the service as well. “Judaism is a large part of my life,” said Kamen, 28. “I want somebody who can share that with me.”

Beyond celebrating holidays, Kamen said he’s looking for someone with whom to raise Jewish children. Indeed, with more gay men considering adoption and child rearing, the issue of finding a mate of the same religion has taken on added significance. “Anything that can bring together two Jewish parents, whatever sex they are, is an important thing to do,” Kamen said.

I hope Seth finds his bashert. But in case he doesn’t, and instead becomes as frustrated as we searchers of the hetero-Judaic persuasion, JDaters Anonymous is here to catch him in a community of the likeminded. Because whether you’re a breeder or a big old queen, frustration with online dating unites us all.