Recently, I had more than one conversation about “types,” as in “s/he’s not my type.” In this context, it’s not about “I only like hedge fund managers” (although sometimes it is). When you say “type”, it’s all about physical type. “I like blond guys,” or “I like thin girls,” or “I’m not attracted to Sephardi men,” or “I’m into petite women.”

Thinking about my past relationships, I am unable extrapolate a single type. I’m sure that my single sisters do have “types” of guys they’d prefer to date, like an Amazon wishlist of items they’ve ranked in order of which they’d like to receive first. But it’s only men who I’ve heard say, “well, she’s not really my type, so I don’t think I’ll call/write/email/contact/go out with her.”

Before you men get your Brokeback Mountain Underoos in a bunch, let me say that there were one or two JDate profiles/blog entries by men that pissed me off inspired this post, and I acknowledge (as I did above, hello…) that women do it too. But I began wondering if maybe men (and ok, women too) need to be a little more flexible about physical type. Especially when considering a first conversation or a first meeting.

What do you guys think? Can we be attracted to people of varying physical types or are people really “set in type”?