At today’s meeting of the JDaters Anonymous executive staff, one of the regional managers suggested that we do a Year-in-Review post. Everyone thought that a year-end wrap up was a good idea; then there was some discussion of whether this post should contain strictly twelve posts, one from and representing each month, or whether it should represent the favorite moments–the gutbusting and the heartwrenching–from posts over the last year.

The latter plan won the majority vote. But we still gave it to the interns to research, so if you don’t like the posts they selected, feel free to suggest your own favorites in the comments section.

In any case, here’s to another year of community support for all singles everywhere, and the married friends who love them…

Best Post That Didn’t Garner a Single Comment
You Say Neato, Check Your Libido (January)

Best Post Advocating Alcohol as Social Lubricant
Why Don’t We Get Drunk and… (February)

Best Post Title Overtly Stolen From Hilary
How You Got Here (March)

Best Discussion of How Intended Compliments Can Land in Others’ Ears as Insults
You’re Great, But I Don’t Want to Date You (March)

Best Post Based on a Visit to a Frumteens Website

Best Recovery Plan for Disappointment Due to Unrequited Affection
Single Girl’s Survival Guide (May)

Best Post Wondering About the Meaning of Bloglife
Blogdentity Crisis (June)

Best Non-Linear Post That Is Most Likely to Go Over People’s Heads
Refraction (August)

Most Direct Inquiry into the Issue of “What Does He Mean By That?”
Given Up on Dating (September)

Best Exploration of the Possibilities for Why He’s Not Calling
The Vanishing (October)

Best JDA-Originated Blog Idea and Accompanying FAQ Sheet
Announcement of the New Mars & Venus Go To Shul Blogcarnival (December)

New Year’s Resolution Least Likely to Stick in 2006
Epistolary Esther (December)

Cheers, everyone!