I just got an email from a reader of mine, reproduced here for your comments and feedback:

You and other thirtysomething women are overlooking a large pool of great Jewish guys–often quite handsome and very wealthy–in addition to other good qualities. Guys who were handsome enough that women were falling all over them and, so, they were not interested in marriage until recently. But they’re not afraid of commitment now. And they want wives and kids.

I’m talking about men fifteen, twenty, years older than you. Too old? Even taking into account the fitness and life expectancies of these athletic guys? Your choice. But they’re out there.

I used to be a single guy in my fifties. I looked like I was in my forties and women in their thirties were eager to date me. But once they discovered my age I was history. On jdate, my listed age made me “toast” from the get-go. More than once I was told, “women in their thirties don’t want to date guys over fifty.”

Well, one woman in her thirties did. That’s my wife. Also now a mom of two. With a guy who was single too long and really appreciates family life in a way that many younger guys do not. Those women in their thirties who don’t consider guys over fifty? I know many of them are still looking.

“A word to the wise is sufficient.”

Speaking as one single woman, I never pictured myself with someone that much older. I always remember that scene in When Harry Met Sally when Harry talks about his relationship with the much younger Emily: “I asked her where she was when Kennedy was shot, and she said ‘Ted Kennedy was shot?'” The point is that there’s sometimes a cultural gap between people of different ages; and in the case of a 15-20 year age difference, it’s different generations, different experiences, which don’t always mean incompatibility, but which can pose a significant challenge for communication and interpersonal relating.

So, when women in their thirties decide that they arbitrarily cut off the dating range at a certain age, are we being age-ist or closed-minded?