It’s been a very full few years with the singles column, and I’ve received many an email/letter. The result is this week’s column, one of a likely series of 47 to explore some questions and comments from readers.

An excerpt for you:

Q: I know what’s wrong with single people. You’re living in a fantasy world.

A: Technically, sir, this is not a question. But there are certainly readers who “know what’s wrong with” singles in general, and suggest solutions. After I wrote about a mild winter depression, a reader sent news of a new treatment for Seasonal Affective Disorder. After I wrote about a conflict with lighting Shabbat candles, someone wrote that the more a single person suffers, the more precious it is to God, and the more likely she is to encounter her bashert. As one woman wrote, “What I know for sure is that bitterness, whining, ‘WHY ME?’ kvetching, compare and despair, fear and singles-event anxiety, that energy is repellent and counterproductive. Change your thoughts and change your life!” (Well, if “The Secret” works for Oprah’s people, then maybe…)

And then there’s this guy: “So many of you folks are single in your 30s because of your compulsion to discuss the intimate details of your relationships with your friends and your relatives. A gentleman does not kiss and tell, and neither does a lady. Perhaps your crowd should follow that axiom. You may have less to talk about, but maybe you’d screw up less relationships.”

Communication in a relationship, especially at the beginning, is so uncertain that asking friends for advice is a survival tactic. Sometimes people do make the private a public affair too often — especially online — but even those of us who write singles columns often keep our dating behaviors and interactions private.

Read the whole column here.