Ballers (definition via Urban Dictionary)
A thug that has “made it” to the big time. Originally referred [to] ball players that made it out of the streets to make millions as a pro ball player, but now is used to describe any thug that is living large.
Ex: Pain is a part of the game when you’re a baller.

Matzoballers (definition via EDK)
Young Jews who spend their Christmas Eves party-hopping and hoping to get lucky.
Ex: Those Matzoballers were trippin’ if they thought they had it made in the shade with all them Hebrew honeys because oh-no-they-di’n’t.

Every Christmas Eve, as I’ve said before, the young Jews go a little stir-crazy. In an apparent fusion of insanity and journalistic responsibility, the JTA’s Berkman and Harris hit 5 NYC parties in one night, trying to get a flavor for who threw the best parties for Jews on Christmas Eve.

You can hear “all about it” in this JTA podcast. And by “all about it,” I mean that there wasn’t much to tell other than that the best party was thrown by the gay community. But that’s not JTA’s fault, really; the parties are frighteningly similar and non-exciting, and as one of the young newsmen noted (and I paraphrase) you reach a point when you’ve reached a point. And then you tip.
