Those of you hoping that this is a report from the Holy City about my impending marriage to an officer in the IDF are about to be disappointed. But those of you who might have missed my columns in the Jewish Week might be interested in this piece I did for the same newspaper about the new TV show “Serugim,” which chronicles single life in some of Jerusalem’s neighborhoods.

Love, Jerusalem Style
by Esther D. Kustanowitz

[…] residents have embraced the new show, which is in Hebrew, and tackles the experiences of single religious Jews from varying backgrounds.

The first two episodes deal with tensions within Orthodoxy and the nuances of interpersonal relationships between people who are very different, in terms of both personality and Jewish observance. For instance, women roommates have rules about men not sleeping over. But what if your date gets so drunk that he can’t drive home? Can he stay over? And what happens when that guy wants to put on tefillin in the morning, and the only set available is from Stacy, the Reform rabbinical student down the hall? […]