[As usual, the names have been changed to protect the potentially sketchy.]

A 35-year-old British guy IMs me, we chat pleasantly for a few minutes. Then, this (my comments bracketed in italics):

BRITISHGUY>: what are your figures?
ME>: what do you mean? [He can’t really mean what I think he means, can he?]
BRITISHGUY>: your statistics? [Statistics? You mean “9 out of 10 freelancers starve in their first year on their own”? Is he asking me my salary? He can’t really mean what I think he means, can he???]
ME>: i’m still not getting you.
BRITISHGUY>: your waist size, inside leg size etc
ME>: are you for real? [Inside leg size? Just ponder that one for a while. Either he’s asking for the circumference of my thigh (!!!) or he wants to know what size the muscles and viscera inside my leg are. In either case, that is literally the first time I’ve heard that one.]
ME>: why would you need to know that?
BRITISHGUY>: just interested that’s all.
ME>: i don’t know how things work in the UK, but the only time that’s an acceptable question in the US is if you are a tailor who is making me a suit.
BRITISHGUY>: hypothetically, what eould you do then if a guy you were seeing asked then
ME>: i don’t know a single guy (who i would consider dating) who would ask something like that outside of a tailor context. And I don’t know any women who even would have carried on this conversation after you asked. [In fact, why am I still here? Insatiable curiosity, I guess…]
BRITISHGUY>: i apologise
BRITISHGUY>: changing the topic–what do you think of bush being elected
ME>: not happy, but have no choice
BRITISHGUY>: yes you do
ME>: what?
BRITISHGUY>: nice chatting with u goodbye

Moral of the story: In England, it is okay for a man to ask a woman for the circumference of her thighs and waist, even if that man is NOT a tailor or a beltmaker. However, it is not okay for a woman to express her dissatisfaction with political leadership. What a country!