E-Dating Bubble Springs a Leak

From Sunday’s New York Times:

While most women interviewed complained that too many men just “window shop” online and are unwilling to consider any but the prettiest faces, Zev Guttman, 28, a mortgage banker in Monsey, N.Y., said it was men who are at a disadvantage online: it is still typically the man who has to make the first move, and it is still the woman who gets to pick and choose.

As a result, he said, he either had to lie — about, say, the fact that he is divorced — or face an empty mailbox every day. “If I write that I’m divorced, I don’t have a chance of hooking up,” he said. “If I write that I’m single, they’re not interested because they think I lied to them” once they discover the truth.
“I’m just going to go back to matchmaking, or friends,” he said.

JDaters Anonymous readers, weigh in:

Would you rule out dating someone who is divorced?

If you dated someone who said that s/he had never been married and then revealed that s/he was divorced, would you break up with him/her because s/he lied?

Do you think men are more superficial than women (i.e., likely to reject a woman based solely on her looks)?