I need your help, my readers and friends:

Does Internet-based technology (email or IM) help or hinder romance?

  1. How far into a relationship do you exchange email/IM info?
  2. Do you think people communicate better or worse over email/IM?
  3. How do you prefer to communicate with potential dates? (Phone, email, IM?) Why do you prefer that method over others?
  4. Have you ever misunderstood someone in IM/email that has led you to heartbreak or disappointment?
  5. Do you think the IM window is a better or worse way to get to know someone?
  6. Have you found that your online impression of someone (through IM or email or even through blogging) is different from how they really are in person? Has that been difficult for you to accept?

Feel free to leave your answers in the comments section, or email me with your response. Please indicate your age, location, profession (especially if you’re in a tech field) and whether you’d like to be quoted by name or by a pseudonym.

Your help is appreciated!