Tired of waiting for your soulmate? Think you would have gotten away with having met her or him already, too, if it hadn’t been for those meddling kids? Well, good news for you! BellaOnline informs us of the founding of dinklink.com:

Launched on August 21, 2005, Joe Pazo came up with the idea for Dinklink (derived from the phrase “Double Income No Kids”) five years ago. “I was incredibly frustrated with my own pursuit of a ‘dinklink’ and decided to look around online,” says Joe. “I was amazed to see the dating sites at the time basically ignoring people like me. I mean sure, most offered little check boxes in the profile section to the effect of ‘do you want kids?’ or ‘do you have kids?’ Both were typically buried near the bottom. For me, these were two of the most important things.”

[…]These issues are especially present in the child free singles scene. “From a dating perspective specifically, the biggest challenge I’ve seen is the perception that being child-free is some sort of a ‘phase’ you go through that could be changed by the ‘right’ person,” says Joe. “But being child-free is a lifelong commitment, and something we don’t take lightly.”

A lifelong commitment to being child-free. Ain’t the internet great?