Out at dinner with three friends, we sat over edamame and talked. It all felt very “Sex and the City,” and I wondered which of us was Samantha. (If it was me, we were all in trouble.)

Issues came up. And one of them left me more than a little baffled: the concept of soulmates. This midrash states that what God has been doing since the process of creating the world was making matches…which is great, but why do some people seem to wait endlessly for their matches? Is it that they themselves, or their soulmates, aren’t ready in some way to “receive” their counterparts? Or is it a question of merit?

Is there only one soulmate for each person, which makes it next to impossible to believe that the two life paths will overlap enough and at the right time in order to achieve the actual meeting that leads to a lifetime commitment? Or are there several potential soulmates for each person, which can lead to confusion if you commit to one soulmate and at some future time meet another one?

Is the word soulmate just code word for “person with whom you are sufficiently compatible and to whom you are ready to declare a commitment”? How does the 50 percent divorce rate inform one’s understanding of the concept of soulmate? Can you fall out of soulmateship?

The more questions I ask, the more questions I have…

What do you think?