So, you guys remember that post that started because someone wrote me a letter suggesting that women in their 30s consider dating men in their 40s and 50s? Well, we determined that some of those men feel that they “deserve” a woman who’s young and pretty, who can wear the designer fashions that they want to see their woman in…and the truth is that for some of these men, 30s is too old…they skew toward late twenties…

The other night, at Blog Night, a reader told me that she read somewhere that some ridiculously high number of older woman-younger man relationships fail. But we didn’t have any stats about the older man-younger woman dynamic, probably because it’s more common and no one cares. But if Demi dates Ashton, or Cameron dates Justin, everyone’s like…”ooh…she’s old enough to be his mother!”

So my question is: is there a double standard in effect, or am I (this is the theoretical “I”, of course) “allowed” to date someone ten years younger than I am? And if not, is the double standard biological in origin–that men have a biological drive to procreate, so they seek out those likely to be the most fertile? And what about that possible-myth about women reaching their sexual peak in their thirties, while men peak at 18? Is there any truth to that, and if so, what’s the big deal with women dating younger men?

And now I step back graciously, as the discussion commences.