I happened upon this quote from Katharine Hepburn: “Sometimes I wonder if men and women really suit each other. Perhaps they should live next door and just visit now and then.”

I feel like that sometimes. I understand women better than I do men, although a male friend of mine claims that understanding men is easy: they always and only say what they mean, and there are no secret agendas or hidden meanings. (Up for debate in my humble opinion, especially since said friend admitted that he often “tricks” women into “stealth dating” him by proclaiming interest in a professional collaboration, and then transitioning that into a romantic relationship.)

But as much as I enjoy the company of women, I also enjoy being a woman in the company of men. There’s something energizing about being surrounded by men, especially those who are just drunk enough to be uncensored but not dangerous–it’s like an all-access pass into an entirely new way of thinking and speaking, like a vacation from the mundane.

Of course, always being in the company of men and being able to hold one’s own–whether the discussion is politics, philosophy, dating or pop culture–can sometimes transform a woman into just one of the guys, privy to locker room talk and lowering blinds that prevent her from being seen as a woman. She becomes an audience, or a brain, or a sharp wit–good because she ceases to be the enemy and may even achieve the status of a conversational equal. But maybe there are things that men say to men that they shouldn’t say to women.

What do you think?

(More substantive posts to come next week, hopefully…)