A few years ago, I met someone through the internet. He was a real sweetheart online, but with a serious edge when we met in real life. He lived far away, which wouldn’t necessarily have discouraged me if the chemistry was right. But when we met, I think it was immediately clear to both of us that it wasn’t a match. Plus, he was as devoted a smoker as I was a writer. Despite my sending him an occasional email, we fell out of touch; because there was really little point, I guess.

Last night, I had a thought before sleeping that crossed into a dream state–I knew a girl for this guy; she had spunk, and humor, was a Republican, was passionate about Israel, and she was a smoker. If the distance were no issue, I would set them up. Not like being a smoker was the only reason to match people up–if the goal was to recruit new smokers or get the old ones to stop, a smoker/non-smoker pairing might be a better strategy.

But the smoking factor, combined with the other ones, made me feel like maybe I should get back in touch with him, if only to put him in touch with her. They could be smokin’ hot soulmates. Or they could be a total mismatch despite having things in common. Or the distance could prove too much for both of them. Who knows? But who was I to stand in the way of a potential match? And how else would these folks meet each other? It’s not like there’s an online dating service for smokers, is there?

And this morning, there it was, in my GoogleAlerts folder–“Dating for Smokers Launches SpeedDating.” DFS was started by UDrive Dating, a corporation that covers niche markets like Large and Lovely, Color Blind Personals, and yes, Smoke-Free Dating. (No reason not to cover both sides of the market; next up, “I only smoke when I drink, and since the NYC smoking ban, I can’t smoke anywhere anymore and it sucks” Dating.)

Anyway, this taught me that either a) I am a dating site prophet, or b) anything I might possibly think of has already been done. So the choice is believing myself prophetic or unoriginal? What will the lady choose…