In talking with a friend one night this week, she mentioned that she ordered alcohol on a recent first date. I’m no Puritan, but I was kind of surprised. I assumed that people don’t drink on first dates, because I generally don’t drink on first dates.

Men don’t seem to ask me to bars on first dates, or if they do, the bars in question are of the coffee variety. Which of course, just makes me jittery. But of the handful of “bar dates” I’ve been on, neither of us has ordered alcohol. There was one where I ordered wine and the guy ordered a diet soda. But other than that, my dates were pretty dry.

Maybe that’s why I’m still single–because I’m not drinking enough on dates. My feeling was that since alcohol makes me a little amorous, slightly loopy, and more than a little sarcastic (if of an increased vocabulary and fairly entertaining), better a first date should have a good and solid first impression of me than that I end up doing or saying something I’m not going to be happy about later. But maybe I’m going about this all wrong. Maybe I should start drinking on first dates. Or maybe, even before.

Do you have a policy about drinking or not drinking on first dates?