Remember “Hooking Up,” the ABC NEWS documentary series about online dating in the big city (NY, that is)? Well, last night, I met two of the women who are casting Season 2. They were supercool themselves, and I volunteered to help them find some great potential candidates…it’s not even close to the show “Blind Date,” which is kitschy and mean-spirited (even if it is gut-wrenchingly hilarious at times)–it’s a much less invasive sort of camera, and you get a sense for what the people really are experiencing.

Here’s the blurb about what they’re looking for, and if you email them, let them know I’m the one Hooking you Up…

Are you ready for the dating experience of a lifetime??? ABC News is casting for the next season of ” HOOKING UP,” last summer’s hit documentary series about online romance, dating, sex and
relationships set in and around New York City. We are looking for outgoing and articulate women and men, straight or gay, ages 20-40, living in or near (and primarily dating in) Manhattan, who are currently internet dating… or extremely eager to try it. Let our cameras follow your online dating adventures!!! For an application or more information, please email as soon as possible, like now! (We’ve got seriously tight deadlines… and you’ve got some serious dating to do.)

Have fun, and maybe I’ll see YOU on television…